Manuscripts should be designed in the following order:
• Title page
• Abstract
• Main text
• References
• Tables, figures and illustrations
Title Page
The title page of the manuscript should include: The title, first and last names of each author. Complete affiliation and title for each author, with the name of department (s) and institution (s) to which the work should be attributed. The corresponding author should be clearly identified with name, address, telephone- facsimile number and email address for correspondence about the manuscript. Authors should clearly indicate if the article has previously been presented at a congress or scientific meeting. The title should be concise and informative without abbreviations and not exceed 10 words.
Abstracts hould be exact translations in Turkish and English with Turkish and English titles, with a minimum of 150 and maximum of 350 words. Abstracts of original research articles should be structured under subheadings as follows: objectives, methods, results and conclusion. A maximum of 3 key words should be added to Turkish and English abstracts.
The text contains the rest of the manuscript. It is structured differently according to the type of manuscript (original research article, review, etc.). For example, original research articles should consist of aim and objectives, methods, results, discussion and conclusion.
References should be cited in consecutive numerical order as first mentioned in the text and designated by the reference number in parentheses. If the number of authors for the reference is more than 6 authors, list the first three authors and add “et al”.
Journal names should be abbreviated as used in Index Medicus. The abbreviation of the Turkish Journal of Family Practice should be used as Turk Aile Hek Derg.
References should be cited in the Vancouver style. For detailed information please visit the relevant link
For research articles follow the example below:
– Akşit S, Yılmaz C, Arkan CA. Aile hekimliğinde araştırma alanlarının tanımlanması: kalitatif çalışma Turk Aile Hek Derg 2002;19:17-8.
– Joyce SD, Wilkins PA, Luyten AL, et al. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med 2003;347:284-7.
For book chapters follow the example below:
– Rakel RE. The family physician. In: Rakel RE, editor. Textbook of family practice. 5th ed. Philaldelphia: W.B. Saunders; 1995. p. 3-19.
For web pages follow the example below:
– WONCA Ad Hoc Task Force on Tobacco Cessation. An International Benchmarking Study of Family Medicine Organisations. accessed: 29/09/2002.
Tables and Figures
Legends should take place on the top of the page for tables, and bottom of the page for figures and placed on separate pages. Explain all nonstandard abbreviations in footnotes.