1. | Prevalence of bacterial vaginosis and relationship of various factors in women seeking legal abortions E.Zeynep Tuzcular Vural, Işık Gönenç, Murat Şerif Keçik, Gültekin Köse, Nurettin Aka, Rıza Adaleti doi: 10.2399/tahd.11.167 Pages 167 - 172 Abstract |Full Text PDF |
2. | ECG analysis in people without any cardiac sympoms and findings Nurhan Doğan, Dilek Toprak, Ersel Onrat, Hüseyin Dursun doi: 10.2399/tahd.11.173 Pages 173 - 177 Abstract |Full Text PDF |
3. | Primary care approach in child abuse and neglect Fulya Yarar, Füsun Yarış doi: 10.2399/tahd.11.178 Pages 178 - 183 Abstract |Full Text PDF |
4. | Acute benign myositis following upper respiratory tract infection in childhood Halil Akbulut, Ümit Aydoğan, Servet Yüksel, Serkan Dilmen, Orhan Çınar, Mustafa Arduç, Oktay Sarı, Tunga Altunbulak, Kenan Sağlam doi: 10.2399/tahd.11.184 Pages 184 - 186 Abstract |Full Text PDF |
5. | Primary hypertension and metabolic syndrome in childhood: a case report Zeynep Günayı doi: 10.2399/tahd.11.187 Pages 187 - 190 Abstract |Full Text PDF |